Discord Toolbox ( Go )

Discord Toolbox ( Go )

personal discord toolbox bot mainly for speed up problem fixing by adding some utility that always have to use when development & solving issues.



personal discord toolbox bot mainly for speed up problem fixing by adding some utility that always have to use when development & solving issues.


  1. Generate Public & Private Key with RSA - 1024, 2048 and 4096
  2. Base64 Encode, Decode
  3. Datastore Key Encode, Decode
  4. URL Parsing ( to have a better view )
  5. Ngrok IP ( get hosted public ip )
  6. Random characters generator ( alphabet, numeric, symbol )
  7. Keygen UUID and TUID ( timestmap based uid )
  8. Shortlink Creator
  9. File Serving
  10. Music Player Bot [ Youtube Songs Only ] ( fully indenpendent from config, it can support multiple server's bot )

Make your own

  1. Create a config.json with structure below.
type config struct {
    Discord struct {
        BotToken string `json:"botToken"` // Discord bot token
        ServerID string `json:"serverId"` // Your personal server id
    } `json:"discord"`
    Services    map[string]bool        `json:"services"`
    Ngrok struct {
        Type  string   `json:"type"` // Start port in? http, tcp
        Port  string   `json:"port"` // Port numbr
        Token string   `json:"authtoken"`// AuthToken
        Args  []string `json:"args"` // Extra arguments for setup -auth, -region, 
    } `json:"ngrok"`
    Shortlink struct {
        Authenticate bool `json:"auth"` // use authenticate
        Username  string `json:"username"` // Auth username
        Password  string `json:"password"` // Auth password
    } `json:"shortlink"`
    FileServer struct {
        Authenticate bool `json:"auth"` // use authenticate
        Username  string `json:"username"` // Auth username
        Password  string `json:"password"` // Auth password
    } `json:"fileServer"`
  1. Create data.json and leave it empty.
  2. Start your bot by go run . or build binary with go build.


ServiceDescriptionConfig KeyDependecies & CLI
base64base64 encode, decode
datastoredatastore encode, decode
filefile servingfileServerngrok,ngrok.exe
keygengenerate public, private key with RSA1024, 2048, 4096
musicmusic player botffmpeg.exe
ngrokhosted tunnel public ipngrok,domainngrok.exe
randomrandom characters generator
shortcutshort link creatorshortlinkngrok,ngrok.exe
urlurl parsing reader

Example Configuration

    "domain": "", // domain if your ngrok support custom domain else ignore it.
    "services": {
        "base64": false,
        "datastore": false,
        "file": false,
        "keygen": false,
        "music": true,
        "ngrok": false,
        "random": false,
        "shortcut": false,
        "url": false
    "musicPlayer": {
        "voiceChannel": "" // voice channel id 
    "discord": {
        "botToken": "", // bot token
        "serverId": "" // server id
    "ngrok": {
        "type": "http",
        "port": "12345",
        "region": "ap",
        "authtoken": "1UZHpPrSWEGZBE3sG1c3r7uX94E_vNAkwFNPiJ83ZgaXN5EJ",
        "args": [
    "shortlink": {
        "auth": false,
        "username": "",
        "password": ""
    "fileServer": {
        "auth": true,
        "username": "oskang09",
        "password": "oskang09"

Depdency CLI

  1. ngrok.exe
  2. ffmpeg.exe

Extra: Startup Application

Start bot when computer startup, for Windows 10 users you can use "Windows + R" and type "shell:startup". After folder popup, just put built binrary shortcut inside. Since some services required cli, aslo config.json and data.json.