Past Projects

Past Projects

All projects is not actively maintained, and will not update anymore.

Gath Mobile Application - Diploma FYP

Project mainly is for event management. It contains basic feature like create event, edit event, close event, start event. Every users can create event & join event, and every event end user can review the event and users. Basic profile management also included. As extra, we added basic voucher system & firebase integration for push notificaiton support ( when event changed ). There also have a backend admin portal for editing & views data.

Tech: NodeJS, React Native

Showcase : Drive

Qpark - Mobile Application

This just a simple parking application come with some features like qrcode registration ( bind to owner ), remind the owner. This application is just a prototype so don't have really good design. Basically integration with firebase for supporting push notification & sms service.

Tech: React Native

Showcase: Drive

Eternal Century - Minecraft Game Server Customization v1

This is build plugins using java / kotlin to customize the default behaviour from minecraft. Come with a lot of homemade feaure, such as item system for like enhancing pve & pvp experience. gui system for selling & buying items from npc. npc system to support multi feature such as storage, item repairing, title, auction and questing. Simple daily questing & weekly questing and also boss spawning & custom event automatically based on specific time in UTC+8.

Tech: Java & Kotlin

DawnTech Payroll System ( Private )

Simple payroll functionality like employee information, employee salary calculation ( epf socso ), leave record, ot record. Integration with ZKTECO's Excel record to create employee automatically and update employee information for track employee working hour.

Tech: C# WinForm

HaoProgram - Car Shop Management ( Private )

Simple car management software using C# Windows Form. Building a local filesystem database with json formatted. A basic pos functionality like product creation, customer information, selling product & stock management. Reminder for customer information ( car service ).

Tech: C# WinForm

ShowCase: Youtube

KOne - Phone Shop Management ( Private )

Tech: C# WinForm

Showcase: Youtube

Crackshot Builder - a editor for minecraft plugin

Tech: C# WinForm

Showcase: SpigotMC