SCSS Device Media Query

SCSS Device Media Query

This device media query is aim to be more readable by specific device based instead of xs, xl or other short naming.

Sample Code

$min_device: (
    mobile-small: 320px,
    mobile-medium: 320px,
    mobile-large: 425px,
    tablet: 768px,
    laptop: 1024px,
    laptop-large: 1440px
$max_device: (
    mobile-small: 375px,
    mobile-medium: 425px,
    mobile-large: 768px,
    tablet: 1024px,
    laptop: 1440px,
    laptop-large: 2560px

@mixin larger_device($device, $breakpoint) {
    $min: if(type-of($device) == string, map-get($min_device, $device), $device);
    @if $breakpoint == max {
        @media ( min-width: $min ) {
    } @else {
        $max: if(type-of($breakpoint) == string, map-get($max_device, $device), $breakpoint);
        @media ( min-width: $min ) and ( max-width: $breakpoint ) {

@mixin smaller_device($device, $breakpoint) {
    $max: if(type-of($device) == string, map-get($max_device, $device), $device);
    @if $breakpoint == min {
        @media ( max-width: $max ) {
    } @else {
        $min: if(type-of($breakpoint) == string, map-get($min_device, $breakpoint), $breakpoint);
        @media ( min-width: $min ) and ( max-width: $max ) {

@mixin device($device) {
        ( min-width: map-get($min_device, $device) ) and 
        ( max-width: map-get($max_device $device) )

Example Usage

- device(mobile-small)
>> @media ( min-width: 320px, max-width: 375px )

- smaller_device(mobile-small, min) 
>> @media ( max-width: 375px )

- smaller_device(mobile-large, mobile-small)
>> @media ( min-width: 320px, max-width 768px )

- smaller_device(mobile-large, 123px)
>> @media ( min-width: 123px, max-width: 768px )

- larger_device(mobile-large, max)
>> @media ( min-width: 425px ) 

- larger_device(mobile-large, laptop) 
>> @media ( min-width: 425px, max-width: 1440px )

- larger_device(mobile-large, max)
>> @media ( min-width: 425px ) 

- larger_device(mobile-large, 1234px)
>> @media ( min-width: 425px, max-width: 1234px )